“Psychology is full of interesting ideas, 
but it doesn’t necessarily have much to do with being alive.” 

– Cliff Goldenberg

“Liz held a safe space for me to be still and realize how things are for me. I was able to move forward and see things in a more positive way. The session I had with Liz continues to be a source of strength for me.”

Carol M., Human

While this work is for (almost) everyone, I come to it from a path of a lot of pain and… ahem… stuckness. I felt quite trapped. The conventional ways of meeting people in pain not only didn’t work for me, but left me feeling like I was exceptionally broken. 
I had to detour from the “right” ways of doing things and pursue the teachers and teachings that I could question, and that felt rich, real, and precious, to me
I am so grateful to the Elders who taught me to make a personal home of my body, my Self, my life and living. I know myself as part of the human family.
As for my personal family life, I am married and have three children. Relationships are often a crucible. I believe in the power of navigating the crucible of relationships, especially as we endeavor to mature. That said, the most important relationship is with one’s honest self.
As for motherhood, there are many ways to live a full life, be part of a village, and even to mother, other than having children. I adore my children, of course. They are central to my life, and being pulled to the mat of parenting is part of my ongoing education. At the same time, I love that I have a personal and professional community that includes both people who are parenting and people who are not. It keeps my eyes open in a different way–which is good for the kids, too!
My personal and professional work are linked, and further linked to The Great Work we are all in together. I will flesh out the Writing and Play page here on my website to further share and support this linking when the time opens. 
As for my thoughts on God, a god that doesn’t have room for sin, questions, Mystery and laughter is too small for the title. 
As for some of the “smaller” things about me, I grew up in the Bay Area, California, and now live in Illinois. I love the juxtaposition of these two worlds, and the worlds I’ve gotten to visit through social work and travel. I love how supposed differences can inform a sense of like-kind-ness or, simply put, Love. 
I love the hug of socks, belly laughter, deep greens, swimming, and real pen on paper. 
I want to name explicitly that I have not “arrived”. My goal when it comes to healing is not to get to “X”, but to live Here, in the home of my body and the home of an excellent friendship with myself. (Which is the foundation for excellent friendships with the world beyond.) This includes external support, introspection, the practices I speak to on my Coaching page, and laughter, without ignoring or glossing over any of the sorrow nor even the horror of life. Learning how to include those things with reverence and without cynicism (except as an impermanent state) is part of a rich life. 
I am so grateful for other humans endeavoring to live a life that is Real. Thank you for getting to know a bit about me. I’m glad we share this sweet Earth, and would love to hear from you if you would like support with what you’re growing. 

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